vivo has been engaged with Rwandan survivors of genocide, still suffering from trauma-related consequences, since 2006. An important component was the training of a group of Rwandan psychologists by vivo experts in Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), during the autumn of 2007. Eighty-six genocide victims were randomly assigned into a treatment and a waiting list control group. Under expert supervision, the Rwandan therapists conducted 6 sessions of NET and 2 sessions of IPT and social interventions, each taking between 90 and 150 minutes. All 37 treatments were completed with great success and the participants improved considerably, observed in the reduction of symptoms of trauma, grief, and depression (effect size for the reduction of trauma symptoms: d= 0.66 at 3 month post-test and d= 1.48 at 1 year follow-up).
Lesen Sie weiter: Rwandan psychologists trained by their own peers
vivo has been engaged with Rwandan survivors of genocide, still suffering from trauma-related consequences, since 2006. An important component was the training of a group of Rwandan psychologists by vivo experts in Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), during the autumn of 2007. Eighty-six genocide victims were randomly assigned into a treatment and a waiting list control group. Under expert supervision, the Rwandan therapists conducted 6 sessions of NET and 2 sessions of IPT and social interventions, each taking between 90 and 150 minutes. All 37 treatments were completed with great success and the participants improved considerably, observed in the reduction of symptoms of trauma, grief, and depression (effect size for the reduction of trauma symptoms: d= 0.66 at 3 month post-test and d= 1.48 at 1 year follow-up).
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