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New therapists for Uganda and supoort from Germany
In February 2020 the vivo outpatient clinic in Gulu, Northern Uganda planned to recruit four new staff members. Therefore we trained eight candidates in the theoretical background and practical application of Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET). The training was supported by vivo member Dr. Ulrike Amann on her fourth yearly volunteer work-visit to the Gulu outpatient clinic.
In small exercise groups the trainees practiced the NET procedure as a counsellor with an expert psychologist as a co-counsellor and as a client sharing traumatic or otherwise stressful events of their personal life. Working through own traumatic events is crucial in order to develop professional counselling skills such as empathy. After two weeks of training each trainee’s performance was assessed with a theoretical written exam and a practical exercise. The best four trainees were chosen to be employed as trauma counsellors by vivo.
The existing 17 senior counsellors welcomed the 4 new staff members with a morning of introduction games and fun and shared experiences in supervision meetings. After the training the new counsellors started their work by observing ongoing NET sessions of the senior counsellors as the final practical training element before they will start their own NET therapy independently.
Introduction to the team
Dr. Ulrike Amann also provided supervision meetings for our senior counsellors on case management and self-care of counsellors as well as additional input on trauma therapy with young children. Teaching additional skills for supporting younger children became more relevant as Dr. Amann started to offer counselling sessions to referral cases of our partner organisation HANDLE for children having experienced sexual violence and youth being incarcerated in the local Remand Home.
The vivo team in Uganda appreciated the support of Ulrike Amann, her professional expertise and her friendly and encouraging work spirit and we are looking forward to see her soon again in Gulu!
New therapists for Uganda and supoort from Germany
In February 2020 the vivo outpatient clinic in Gulu, Northern Uganda planned to recruit four new staff members. Therefore we trained eight candidates in the theoretical background and practical application of Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET). The training was supported by vivo member Dr. Ulrike Amann on her fourth yearly volunteer work-visit to the Gulu outpatient clinic.
In small exercise groups the trainees practiced the NET procedure as a counsellor with an expert psychologist as a co-counsellor and as a client sharing traumatic or otherwise stressful events of their personal life. Working through own traumatic events is crucial in order to develop professional counselling skills such as empathy. After two weeks of training each trainee’s performance was assessed with a theoretical written exam and a practical exercise. The best four trainees were chosen to be employed as trauma counsellors by vivo.
The existing 17 senior counsellors welcomed the 4 new staff members with a morning of introduction games and fun and shared experiences in supervision meetings. After the training the new counsellors started their work by observing ongoing NET sessions of the senior counsellors as the final practical training element before they will start their own NET therapy independently.
Introduction to the team
Dr. Ulrike Amann also provided supervision meetings for our senior counsellors on case management and self-care of counsellors as well as additional input on trauma therapy with young children. Teaching additional skills for supporting younger children became more relevant as Dr. Amann started to offer counselling sessions to referral cases of our partner organisation HANDLE for children having experienced sexual violence and youth being incarcerated in the local Remand Home.
The vivo team in Uganda appreciated the support of Ulrike Amann, her professional expertise and her friendly and encouraging work spirit and we are looking forward to see her soon again in Gulu!